About the Journal

The Journal of the Odisha Dental Association (JODA) is a peer-reviewed scientific journal on original research articles exclusively designed for clinical practitioners. It provides a platform for eminent dentists to publish their research and evidence based findings in different fields of dentistry. It presents research work carried out, nationally and internationally in different specialties of dentistry. The focus is mainly on research and clinical trials on new procedures and techniques, dental materials, instruments, cosmetic and restorative materials, clinical studies and reviews on various dental diseases and their treatment.

Submit Articles

If you are keen on promoting clinical research in dentistry, you can share your thoughts, experience and knowledge by submitting your original articles for JIDA. The publications offer a unique platform to its members to reach out to a vast audience interested in topics and articles related to research the field of dentistry.

Non-members who would like to get their articles published in JIDA need to register at www.ida.org.in using ‘Registration for new membership’ option. Complete the registration process and submit your article.


  • Gaining wider publicity with your name published with your article.
  • Sharing your skill, knowledge and information with the dental fraternity.
  • Tracking and knowing the progress during the review process.
  • Reading editorial board’s comments and carrying out revisions accordingly.


  • You need to have a valid IDA membership
  • Articles must be written in English language
  • Articles must be original and not published/submitted somewhere else
  • Articles must be directly relevant to the practicing general dentist, dental hygienist or dental assistant
  • IDA discourages the submission of more than one article dealing with related aspects of the same study.


The views and opinions published in JIDA are those of the authors and do not necessarily reflect the policy or position of the publisher, editor or members of the editorial board. The responsibility for the contents of the advertisements rests with the advertisers.